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Articles from spring 2003

central services

New Appointments

LORNA NUNN has been appointed as Scottish staffworker, working four sessions a week for two years from January 2003. Lorna will be based in Edinburgh and will be supporting Christian medical students in Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Dundee and Aberdeen. Lorna qualified MBChB in Edinburgh in 1998 and MRCGP in...

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New Staff Needed

Associate General Secretary We are still looking for a full-time medically qualified Associate General Secretary to work alongside Peter Saunders and share his current duties covering the full range of CMF’s activities. Postgraduate medical qualification required, along with significant experience in Christian ministry and administration, and a commitment to CMF’s...

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Preaching, Healing and Justice

‘ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners And recovery of sight for the blind, To release the oppressed, To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour’...

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Ethics News


Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Programme This has a funding programme providing up to £15 million in research support over the next five years. In the UK it will support research into the ethical, legal, social and public policy aspects of advances in biomedicine, particularly in neuroscience, mental health and genetics...

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Conferences, Meetings and Courses

CMF National Conference Please pray for the CMF National Conference at Swanwick, Derbyshire on 25-27 April for which publicity has already been mailed. The theme is 'God is at Work' and Chris Richards will give the Rendle Short Lecture this year on the theme of 'Sleeping with the Enemy'. Details...

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Finance Matters

Finance Matters

2002 Accounts We are immensely grateful that the 2002 accounts, which are being audited and finalised show only a small deficit of about £20,000, £16,000 of which is a paper investment loss due to stock market falls during the year. These assets are held for the long term, and have...

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From Ralph Sinn, ICMDA General Secretary Regional ICMDA conferences are being planned for 2003 and 2004. Please pray for our Father’s blessing on the preparations for these conferences as well as for the successes, nurturing, and blessing these conferences can bring. In November 2003, the Central American Regional ICMDA Conference...

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Junior Doctors

Juniors’ Open House More Open House groups are continuing to spring up around the country, providing an opportunity for juniors to meet other Christian juniors in their local area, and enjoy a forum for support and encouragement. Why don’t you go along to one in your area, or if there...

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Members' News

Members' News

Congratulations On their awards and appointments Geoff Foster OBE for services as founder and director of Family AIDS Caring Trust, Zimbabwe David Mann OBE for services to healthcare in Africa John Scriven Chairman of Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship Kevin Turner Hunterian Professorship, Royal College of Surgeons of England William...

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Overseas News

Mission Matters

At the recent student national conference, I was leading a seminar on mission. Asked where in Scripture we find a call to mission, most of the students were able to quote Matthew 28:19-20 but there seemed little appreciation that the whole of Scripture is God’s call to mission. God is...

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Translations Cure for Life by Bernard Palmer, already translated into Albanian, is now almost ready for publication in Russian. A Bulgarian edition will possibly be produced later this year. John Wyatt’s Matters of Life and Death is being translated into Spanish. The French edition is already available and the Russian...

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We are delighted to have Lorna Nunn (Scottish staffworker) join the student ministry team (see page 2). Becky Petherick (Midlands Relay worker) completed an excellent six months in February and has returned to full time medicine as an A&E SHO. She was a great help to the students in Warwick...

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Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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