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Articles from spring 1998

Relic of the bedpan age - a letter from a nursing professor to a nursing student

Faith Search Nursing Student Department of Health Studies University of Surbiton Dear Faith I was disturbed to hear you have met Angela Plume and am taking this opportunity to warn you against her. I will deal with your queries, but I need to point out that she represents a bygone age which...

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The Cradle of the Womb - take care who peeps in

Introduction I am a GP and mother who has experienced at first hand the desire of ante-natal services to screen out and destroy babies they consider unwanted. They are so keen they will actually screen without the consent or even knowledge of the mother. As Christians we are bound to...

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Prayer at the bedside

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the Welsh physician-cum-preacher, once wrote a monograph titled 'Will Hospital Replace the Church?'[1] He pointed out the unique and vital role of the church in meeting the spiritual needs of hospital patients. Three decades on hardly anyone would argue with his view. Even the Department of Health...

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Satisfaction and Stress

Roger Thayne OBE is chief executive, Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust. He joined the army at 15 and worked his way up to the rank of Colonel. During the ambulance dispute of 1989-90, it was his job to co-ordinate military ambulances on the streets. He was a medical planner in...

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Among All Nations 3

Articles in this edition What are you worth? Editorial comment Looking Forward - Rebuilding the Ruins ...against the odds God is doing something new Looking Back - Working Visionaries Retired missionary ophthalmologist Henry Backhouse reflects in September 1997 on colleagues he met in the Holy Land AIDS Across the World As the millennium approaches...

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RevieWWWs with Cyberdoc

Christian Medical Fellowship's WebsiteCMF's site is neat and attractive with many excellent articles on subjects ranging from evangelism to euthanasia. It stands out among Christian medical pages, many of which are basically poster adverts for the organisation. Navigation around the site is easy. Articles are indexed by both subject and...

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Book Reviews

Medical Vocation and Generation X (Book Review)

This booklet is a re-examination of the concept of medical vocation in the light of the radical changes which are taking place in the organisation and practice of healthcare. The authors, one of whom is medical and the other a theologian, paint a portrait of 'Generation X' - the generation...

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A Window to Heaven (Book Review)

While most of us yearn for a glimpse into heaven, a book about dying children is not what we would readily choose as a gift for ourselves or a friend. However, to pass by this short paperback without a second look would be to miss a little gem. The subtitle...

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Human Nature at the Millennium - Reflections on the integration of psychology and Christianity (Book Review)

When asked to review a book dealing with psychology and Christianity I confess I groaned inwardly at the thought, not because the subject isn't important but because so many writers have attempted this in the past and produced works which are sadly inadequate. Christian critiques of psychology have frequently been...

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God and the Scientists (Book Review)

'All scientists are atheists - hasn't science disproved religion?' It is this question that is addressed in God and the Scientists. Ten scientists of international renown write of their own experiences in the worlds of science and faith. They were chosen from a wide range of disciplines, from botany and...

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Cohabitation or Marriage?A report examines the evidence (Book Review)

While the Health of the Nation targets include reducing teenage pregnancies alongside reduction of smoking-related illness, advising abstinence from sex is much less 'politically correct' than abstinence from cigarettes. However, we have a responsibility to be aware of current trends and the social and health consequences of individual choices. This...

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Man-Made Man - Ethical and Legal Issues in Genetics (Book Review)

The title of this book is misleading and raised my feminist hackles, but the subtitle describes it, and for anyone wanting information on this topic here is a useful handbook. With its authors coming from a number of European countries, the emphasis throughout is helpfully European rather than British. For...

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Genetic Ethics Do the Ends Justify the Genes? (Book Review)

This book tackles from a Christian perspective a number of the ethical issues raised by the rapid developments in human genetics. It confronts most of the common problems but does not address recent controversies such as the debate over cloning whole animals (and potentially humans?) nor the questions surrounding genetically...

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Editorial: show God's kindness today

The story of Mephibosheth 1 offers a remarkable parable of God's kindness to us. After many years as a fugitive David is firmly established as King of Israel. His enemies have melted away and his kingdom is enjoying peace. 'God has been kind to me' argues the King. 'Can I...

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Jonathan Livingston Seagull beats The Bible In its Christmas edition, the BMJ invited suggestions for books to broaden the horizons of the medical profession. The winner was Jonathan Livingston Seagull, whose New Age spirituality can be gauged from one voterÕs describing it as: Ôabout self transcendence . . . we...

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Readers' Letter

HomoeopathyIn Triple Helix No. 1, Eutychus reported that Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Health Authority had stopped paying for homoeopathic treatment because there was not enough evidence to support its use. Dr Anita Davies, a Trustee of the Blackie Foundation Trust, writes: Thank you for making so much information available in...

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