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18th December: Brotherly Love or Homosexuality?

Love one another warmly as brothers in Christ, and be eager to show respect for one another. Rom 12:10 (GNB)

Nearly every verse in Romans 12 repays meditation, and application to ourselves. In verse 10 we meet one of Paul's favourite phrases `brotherly love' (AV) This indicates that we should really love all our fellow Christians in every walk of life. We should find out their problems, pray for them and pray with them.

The other side of the coin was experienced by Paul when he went for only three weeks to the town of Thessalonica. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3, he tells them to abstain from sexual immorality (akatharsia). Paul uses this Greek work in Romans 1:24, when he describes homosexuality, and on other occasions when it can also be seen to mean homosexuality. In the New Testament adultery and fornication and homosexuality are all equally condemned, and we should be crystal clear in our Christian witness to this. None of these activities is acceptable to God.

When Paul came to Thessalonika he urged his converts not only to abstain from homosexuality, but also to continue in their `brotherly love' for each other (1 Thes 4:9).

Jesus wanted Christians to be known by their love for fellow Christians. Do I as a Christian doctor show the kind of love -- brotherly love -- that my Saviour wants me to?

Lord, help me to recognise my fellow Christians, to show brotherly love to them, and to be eager to show respect for them.

Further reading: 1 Thes 4:1-12


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