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21st May: Tomorrow

Jesus said, 'Do not worry about tomorrow'. Matthew 6:34 (NIV)

How much of our time do we spend worrying over or imagining what might happen tomorrow? In my early teens one of our family treats was to go to the cinema on the last day of the school holidays. I saw some of the best films on those days, but they were all ruined! In the most exciting part of the film I would suddenly remember that tomorrow I would be at school -- and the enjoyment would vanish.

Jesus did not tell us that we shouldn't plan: he did tell us not to worry. Since he always practised what he preached, it is interesting to look at his own life. Each day was packed with activity -- travelling, teaching, preaching to crowds, talking to individuals, healing. he concentrated on doing what needed to be done at that particular moment: he depended upon his father for wisdom and strength for each task and did it to the best of his ability -- ie he did it perfectly.

What a contrast this is to the way we so often dissipate our mental and emotional energy! We bite our nails and knit our brows at things which may happen. If we have strong imaginations we may even imagine difficult or aggressive conversations with people we fear or dislike. We become nervous wrecks when we should be towers of strength.

The key to the problem is in the preceding verse, 'Seek first his kingdom'. We can do this throughout today -- we must, because Jesus has told us to. We begin by offering the day -- with every detail in it -- to the Lord. We then take his hand and give our best effort and full concentration to each thing to be done and every conversation held. So, at the end of today, having shared in the task of bringing his kingdom upon earth, we shall be ready, without fear, for tomorrow.

Lord, for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray;
But keep me, guide me, hold me, Lord,
Just for today.

J H Burke.

Lord Jesus, today belongs to you. Help me to use every
minute wisely and to work with you in bringing the kingdom
of God a step nearer. Thank you that tomorrow is in
your hands -- and that's where I gladly leave it.

Further reading: Mt 6:19-34.


This devotional is also available in Italian on the website of CMF's sister organisation AMICO

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