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26th May: Pens for God

Luke, the beloved physician, sends you his greetings. Colossians 4:14

One of the most valued colleagues of the apostle Paul was Luke, the physician. We know very little about Dr Luke's medical career; where he studied, and where and when he practised his profession. He is remembered most of all as a writer, one of many medical men who have laid aside scalpel and stethoscope for pen or typewriter. Luke's contribution to the New Testament is substantial. There is a two volume work: Luke's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.

The first tells us what Jesus began to do and teach: the second what the risen Lord continued to do through his apostles by the Holy Spirit. Both books are marked by careful research. The second includes excerpts from Dr Luke's diary: we can pick them out when the pronoun quietly changes from 'they' to 'we'. All of the powers of observation which a physician still needs -- and needed so much more in a world without special investigations -- are used by God to produce some of the most valued parts of the New Testament.

Today God still needs physicians who can use their pens for him. This can be done in all kinds of way: in private correspondence, in letters to magazines and newspapers, in magazine articles, in books, and even in contributing to a devotional booklet like this.

Lord, I give myself to you once again. You know your
plans for me today. Lead me step by step in the pathway
of your perfect will. May I, like St Luke, be willing
to be used as your instrument to do your will, for the
blessing of others.

Further reading: Lk 1:1-4. Acts 15:22-31.


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