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RevieWWWs with Cyberdoc

Cyberdoc reviews Jehovah's Witnesses and blood, Sharing faith with patients, Being a house officer and Burnout...

Jehovah Witnesses and Blood

The Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood (AJWRB) website is fascinating. It is written by some current Jehovah's Witnesses (including some serving elders) and others who have left. It has the feel of a secret society warning its members to be cautious as one brother had been disfellowshipped when his wife reported to local elders that he had received an email from the AJWRB. In spite of at times severe criticism of the JW hierarchy the site seems committed to work for change from within. The articles are therefore that much more interesting. There is good coverage of recent changes in the official position.

The Free Minds page is not as extensive on the blood issue and was a little confusing to navigate. I have used the link direct to the page on blood to simplify readers' browsing. The Blood Issue File was by far the longest article on the subject I could find on the web, weighing in at a massive 5,500 words! The Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site provides a surprisingly superficial 'official' view of the organisation which is remarkable in its brevity and lack of mention of dissenting views.

Sharing Faith with Patients

Should doctors evangelise? is the provocative title of a page on the CMF website, where the author explains his reasons for believing that sensitive sharing of faith with patients is neither unethical nor unwise. My first attempts at finding other pages on this subject on the web failed quite dismally. The closest match was a page that claimed Having Religious Faith Can Speed Recovery From Depression In Older Patients

In the end I did find one page which shared an example of a Medical Student who had shared his faith with a convicted murderer.

Being a House Officer

The Northern Deanery have an introductory page on the house officer year which would make good reading. Apart from another page on the CMF site there seems to be very little out there on the web of use to house officers. Maybe they are all too busy getting burnout to write!


It is almost depressing the number of pages on burnout on the web today. It isn't just doctors that suffer, and ChristianityToday have a page that, although aimed at church leaders, makes useful reading. Stress Managing Life uses a weather metaphor and a few Bible verses to explore the subject somewhat superficially. For a biblical study of burnout take a look at studies in the Life of Elijah. The CMF site once again comes up trumps with a Triple Helix article from two years ago which contains a fantastic quote from the Message translation of the Bible that deserves to be heard again. Jesus says:

'Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.'

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