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Mission Matters

Peter Armon Writes

Questionnaires on Overseas involvement

I have been reviewing the returns on a questionnaire that I circulated to all those listed on our database as ‘missionary’ – during the last few months. The survey has revealed that we in fact only have a maximum of 118 members in full time posts overseas with 8 members in the pipeline to go. We also have 15 overseas nationals that I would call ‘associate’ overseas members.

At the same time, I have reviewed the results of the questionnaire that was sent out to all our UK members with the April mailing in 2003 asking for details of current involvement in overseas matters.

Of those who responded, just over 150 stated that they are currently involved in various short term visits and activities overseas on a regular basis and another 320 expressed an interest in getting involved in some way either now or in the future.

The next step will be to put this data onto our new database. It is hoped to set up various subsets, including a Locum database. It is anticipated that the survey will need to be repeated on a regular basis to keep abreast of changing circumstances.

It appears that, while the needs overseas haven’t changed (in many countries the situation has worsened in terms of healthcare provision) over the last decade, the way our members are responding to that need has changed with fewer going out into full time service but many more actively involved part-time or wanting to help in some way.

If you would like to be alerted of overseas needs as they arise, why not add your name to our email alert database. Contact:

Sabbaticals, holidays and Locums needed during the next 12 months

Two of our overseas members have emailed seeking locums for themselves and a colleague. An excellent opportunity for some of the 145 members who said they would be interested in taking holiday time to undertake the occasional locum and for those who might be wondering what to do with a sabbatical! You may not be able to cover the whole time but it could be that a number of folk could cover the period between them and it could be a matter of whatever you can offer will help. Full details are listed in the current copy of Triple Helix.

If you want more ideas, then have a browse through the short term opportunities section on our website at or look on the Healthserve Pages under – ‘sending and receiving organisations’ and click on – ‘organisations offering short term service opportunities’ or consider taking up the locums mentioned above.

Developing Health Course 5-16 July 2004 at Oak Hill College

The programme is now available from the CMF Office and will soon be on our overseas website at

As well as the usual interactive lecture programme a number of workshops have been included covering Paediatrics, Tropical Medicine, Surgery, Reproductive Health and a whole day dedicated to HIV/AIDS.

Virtually all of our speakers have worked overseas and a number of this year’s lecturers are currently working overseas.

Several of the days have been specialty linked and day visitors will be welcomed at a special price of £50, which includes lunch and supper.

Royal College/VSO Fellowships encourage Trainee involvement overseas

In the light of the DOH document encouraging the involvement of NHS employees (including those in training grades) in working overseas (see International Humanitarian and Health Work –, it is good to note that both the Royal Colleges of Paediatrics and Obstetric and Gynaecology have established links with VSO and each offer joint one year Fellowships to assist training periods in accredited posts overseas. Contact these Colleges for the details.

A Global Connections Healthcare Forum Conference – November 2004

This year’s forum will consider the impact of HIV/AIDS on the training strategies of mission agencies, churches and Bible Colleges. Watch this space for further details.

Building Healthcare Professionals for the future – 5-8 September 2004

Organised by PRIME as a precursor to the ICMDA European Conference at Krelingen nr Hanover Germany, the Conference aims to bring together not only the minds but the hearts of Christians committed to healthcare education. Interactive workshops will enable participants to build futures for their own individual circumstances.

Details with this mailing and available from Dr John Geater. Email:

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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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