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30th April: A Proper Respect

Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honour the king. Slaves submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not on

It is easy (and scriptural) to respect the worthy. It is another thing to respect all. This does not mean that we are to be so easygoing that we tacitly approve the false of mean. But there is a respect that is due to everyone.

What is our attitude to others? What is their worth to us? Doctors often deal with people who differ from them in many ways -- if only because they are sick and vulnerable. But they will certainly have feelings just like our own. This also applies to our colleagues -- even those who may give the impression of being so hardbitten as to be insensitive, or to 'chiefs' who are unreasonable and difficult to work with. We are all significant to God, which is why this command is linked with that to 'fear God'. If we show disrespect to another, we are devaluing one to whom God has given life, and for whom Jesus sacrificed his own life.

This thought must be at the heart of all our creed and conduct when facing issues of real life and death -- not only on ultimate questions such as euthanasia, but in our daily contacts with the awkward or slow-witted outpatient, the demanding or hostile parent, the terminally ill, and the untreatable but 'interesting case'. When I insert that intravenous drip, is my action consistent with respect for the patient?

The principle holds too in questions of truth. Can I lie to someone I respect, be he patient or colleague? Equally my honesty must be tempered with sensitivity and compassion for the suffering and problems of others.

Forget not thou hast often sinned,
and sinful yet must be;
Deal gently with they brother, then,
as God has dealt with thee.

J A Fletcher.

Further reading: Col 3:12 -- 4:1.


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