mid-life midwife

Victoria Hutchinson reflects on the challenges of taking up midwifery as a career in mid-life

Can I be newly anything aged 37?

They say that life begins at 40

But I’m not feeling too sure
and I’m having my doubts

Will I be accepted on the wards?

Will I hack the pace?

Will I know how to be,

Mature me?

Not a has-been who’s past it,
a second-rate choice

But a middle-aged midwife,
life-experienced and self-assured?

I’ve loved all the training

Forged relationships and bonds

Fed on research and evidence

I’ve passed all the exams

In spite of the years

In spite of the lag

Between my O level days

And my midwives’ bag.

I saw mum’s eyebrows rise back then

When I shared my hesitant vision

Was God really calling me

To this privileged profession

Aged thirty-seven?

Oh Lord, how you teach me
each day of my life

To depend on your strength
as I do life as midwife

You give me passion,
compassion and the heart to care

You give me competence,
skills and the courage to dare

You give me energy and drive
and a team to be part of

You give me awe and respect
and an ocean of love

You bless me with joy,
the breath of new life in my hands

You pour out of me, relentless,
to the relentless demands

You equip and enable,
you go before

And when I am flagging,
your mercy is more.

So, if you are qualifying, qualified,

yet questioning your place

Know that God goes before you