Prayer is central to our lives as Christians. CMF seeks to find ways to help encourage and facilitate prayer as a central part of the life and service of our community.
Here are some of the ways you can get involved in prayer with CMF:
- CMF Prayer Diary – this is a thrice yearly publication that gives daily prayer points for the health service in the UK and the wider world, as well as for CMF and its global network. To get this regularly email us at
- You can also access the CMF Prayer Diary via the PrayerMate App (for Android and iOS) at
- CMF Days of Prayer – we regularly organise prayer days and weeks across the year, locally or nationally, using Zoom to connect members together to pray for their workplaces and wider needs.
- Walk75 – for our 75th anniversary, we are encouraging member to prayer walk their local area and workplaces together to pray for the health service. Find out more here
August-November 2024