Safeguarding at CMF
CMF takes safeguarding responsibilities seriously in all areas of its ministry. CMF has a duty of care for everyone it encounters.
why and how do we promote safeguarding at CMF?
Safeguarding is a practical outworking of our biblically based values. While CMF does not directly work with children or vulnerable adults, it is still important that we set high standards for ourselves and to be vigilant.
We understand that anyone can be ‘at risk’ however, in certain circumstances and we therefore seek to promote a view of safeguarding that is holistic. We recognise too that harm can occur through the culture and attitudes in an organisation and its staff and we actively encourage review and feedback to address this. All CMF staff are therefore required to undertake safeguarding training.
what should I do if I have safeguarding concern?
If you become aware of something that suggests someone is at risk and could come to harm, then that could be a safeguarding concern and we need to know about it. This could be something you see or hear happening to someone, that is, an observation, or when someone tells you about something that has happened to them, that is, a disclosure.
CMF’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is our Operations Director. CMF’s Assistant Safeguarding Lead (ASL) is our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Associate.
what do I need to include in a safeguarding report?
If you observe something or someone makes a disclosure to you, you should – as soon as possible on the same day – make a written record of what you have seen, been told or have concerns about. Try to make sure anyone else who saw or heard anything relating to the concern also makes a written report. You should not promise confidentiality to the person making the disclosure.
For further information, please see Christian Safeguarding Services
contacting CMF about a safeguarding concern
You may contact the CMF Safeguarding Team by ringing CMF switchboard on 0207 234 9660 and asking for the Designated Safeguarding Lead or by leaving a message requesting contact on the contact form using the #Safeguarding header and leaving contact details so we can get in touch. Do not leave any confidential or personal information about your concern.
If you have a concern that something is seriously wrong and there is a need for urgent intervention and you cannot contact the DSL then you should contact the Social Services Safeguarding Team covering the locality where the person at risk lives. If the situation is potentially life threatening, you should call the police.