Nurses on the frontline

Rosie is a newly qualified nurse working in London. She kindly hosts our London nurses’ group.

What area of nursing or midwifery are in?

I am an adult nurse on a rotation for a year, working six months in liver intensive care and then cardiac recovery.

Why did you choose this speciality?

I wanted to work somewhere challenging, and a rotation was a good opportunity to explore a variety of areas.

What motivates you in your job?

Although job satisfaction and ‘loving my job’ have motivated me at times, it only takes a really tough week at work or a difficult situation to unsteady that attitude. However, throughout both studying and working as a nurse, God’s presence has been continually apparent, which gives me the drive and motivation that I’m not just doing a good job for my patients and colleagues, but that I want to please my Father.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I’ve never been a morning person, but before each shift I always spend ten minutes over breakfast reading a bit of the Bible and praying. I love this time as it puts the day in perspective – that Jesus is in control and is with me throughout a long shift. Then it’s off to work, seeing who I’ll be spending the day with, taking handover, getting to know patients, assessing, making sure all medications are done, planning for the day, monitoring and continually reassessing. Some nurses are not good at taking their breaks, but it’s so important (physically and mentally) to make sure you have them! No two days are ever the same, but inevitably you get home knowing you’ve spent your day doing something really worthwhile.

What are the particular blessings/challenges of your job?

Nursing varies so much day-to-day that the challenges and blessings of the jobs are often the same thing on different days! On one shift your colleagues may be a joy to work with and the next everyone may be a bit tired and fed up. The same goes for patients, one day you may discharge someone you never thought would get home, but the next a patient deteriorates and it can be hard when faced with such differing situations.

How did you find the transition from student to qualified nurse?

I remember feeling very ready to qualify, but also overwhelmed at the prospect of so much responsibility. It was a big transition. After the initial excitement of the first few weeks, settling into a routine and having some really good days, I remember that there were some days when I felt I knew nothing – but that is so normal, and within a few months you really get a confidence in yourself and in the knowledge and skills you have.

Any advice for student nurses and midwives reading this?

I would really encourage that 6am Bible reading slot before shift! Also, remind yourself during your day at work that Jesus is your rock and refuge – you can totally rely on him, and when a shift may seem busy and stressful it’s in him you will find peace.

What things can we be praying for you?

To keep trusting in God’s sovereignty at work and home.