Student news
The Student Ministries team were, as always, encouraged by a new cohort of 52 medical and nursing student leaders attending training as part of the National Conference in May. The new Learning Platform was introduced, which includes resources for student links to use with their groups including healthcare Bible studies.
The National Student Council meets three times a year. At our last meeting, students reflected on this year’s Student Conference and shared ideas for the 2020 conference, which will be held from 31 January to 2 February 2020. The meeting took place with Jeremy Foster as Chair and Silas Anderson as Vice Chair. (Jeremy is due to graduate in July. Silas Anderson will then take over as Chair and Sophie Latta as Vice Chair.)
Zack Millar, an NSC member for the past couple of years, has taken on the role of Student Editor for Nucleus. He initiated discussion at the meeting around content for the next issue with the theme ‘Science and Faith’. Students were also encouraged to consider writing for Nucleus.
The team said ‘au revoir’ (but not ‘good-bye’) to Alex Bunn, Associate Head of Student Ministries. He plans to continue his involvement on a voluntary basis and we look forward to enjoying his signature ‘Alex-in-a-Bunn’ burgers at the next Freshers’ BBQ.
We are encouraging student links to prepare for Freshers’ weeks at their medical schools. It is a great opportunity to engage with new Christian students and inform them about CMF and all the ways in which we can support them from the beginning to the end of their medical careers.