• Things we cannot help with
    • Sometimes we are asked to provide information or advice that we cannot help with, as we are not legally in a position to do so. This includes:
      • Providing the names or contact details of a Christian doctor, nurse, midwife, psychiatrist or counselling services etc.
      • Connecting you with a doctor to help with a medical negligence claim.
      • Providing medical advice: we cannot give personal medical advice or prescriptions as we are not a healthcare provider.
      • Helping people get a job in the NHS, a place in a UK medical or nursing school, or a clinical attachment at an NHS hospital in the UK.
  • Communication questions
    • Can I have a CMF speaker at a meeting/church service/conference?

      Contact communications@cmf.org.uk to see if we can help.

    • Can I get a quote/interview from someone at CMF about a news story on which I am reporting or writing?

      Contact us at communications@cmf.org.uk or ring our media consultant, Alistair Thompson, on 07970 162 225 or see our Press and Media Enquiries page.

    • Can CMF link to my online article/ blog / website?

      We only link to external sites that are either directly related to our own content or who are partner agencies with whom we work closely. We do not link to external sites that come from organisations or individuals not known to us.

    • Can you help me with research (eg for a PhD, etc.) that I am undertaking?

      This will depend on the nature of the request – please contact us on communications@cmf.org.uk and we can discuss whether we are able to assist.

    • Can I use the CMF logo for my local/student/workplace CMF group publicity or social media?

      Contact communications@cmf.org.uk to discuss this.

    • Can I have permission to use excerpts from CMF articles, books, blogs, etc.

      While all CMF content is copyrighted, we are always happy to consider requests to share our content on other sites and publications, with appropriate credits. To ask for permission and to find out more, please contact communications@cmf.org.uk.

    • I am looking for a specific CMF resource but cannot find it on this site.

      If it is content from before 2018, it may be on our archive site at [URL to be created]. Alternatively, contact communications@cmf.org.uk and we will see if we can find it for you.

    • Do you produce resources in languages other than English?

      Many of our CMF files are available in Russian and Chinese, and some of our books and other resources are also available in other languages. For more information, contact us on communications@cmf.org.uk.

  • Connection questions
    • Can you put me in touch with another member(s)?

      We cannot legally share members’ details, even with other members, without their explicit permission. If you are happy to share your details with us, we will gladly pass it on to the member in question, but it will be up to them to respond. Email memberadmin@cmf.org.uk.

    • Is there a student/local/workplace CMF group in my area?

      Check our Local Groups page on this website. If you cannot find anything near you, email memberadmin@cmf.org.uk and we will see if there is anything going on near you that is not yet online.

    • Can you tell me what events you are running in my area?

      Check out the CMF Events page on this website or email events@cmf.org.uk for more information.

  • Financial questions
    • How can I give to the work of CMF?

      You can give one off donations via our Donate button, or set up a regular gift using the same page. You can also specify which area of ministry you want to give to. If you have any questions, contact us at memberadmin@cmf.org.uk.

    • Can I pay my membership using CAF or Stewardship?

      As a general rule, you can, although we cannot take payments for conferences or books this way. Contact us to discuss this further: memberadmin@cmf.org.uk.

    • Can you take payments for membership/events/books in other currencies?

      We can currently only take payment in sterling (pounds) or euros. If this will present a problem, contact us on admin@cmf.org.uk.

    • can I gift aid my membership?

      Yes, you can Gift Aid your membership, meaning CMF can claim up to 25% on top of what you give at no extra cost to you. Sign a Gift Aid declaration when you join, or sign this form.

  • Membership questions
    • My circumstances have changed, and I would like to change my membership type.

      Please complete the Change of Membership Type form here and we can sort this out for you.

    • I need to update my membership details – how do I do this?

      You can do this by logging into your account and updating your membership details on the welcome page. You can do this by logging into your account and updating your membership details on the welcome page. If you have difficulties with this, you can send us your new details using this form by clicking here.

    • I cannot get into my CMF account – can you help me?

      Yes. Please email memberadmin@cmf.org.uk and we will get you set up.

    • I am a Christian dentist/dental student in the UK – can I join CMF?

      You can, but we would recommend that you join the Christian Dental Fellowship instead – https://www.cdf-uk.org/.

    • I am a Christian doctor/nurse/midwife in the Republic of Ireland – can I join CMF?

      Yes, you can. All types of membership are open to those in the Republic, and we have a number of student groups around the country – details are on our Local Groups page on this website.

    • I am a Christian doctor/nurse/midwife from outside the UK and Ireland – can I join?

      While you are very welcome to join, we would strongly encourage you to join your own national fellowship first. If you are uncertain whether there is a national doctors’ or nurses’ fellowship in your country, please check out the ICMDA website for medical and dental groups – https://icmda.net/regions/ and the NCFI website for nursing and midwifery groups – https://ncfi.org/regions/.

    • I am not a medic, but I am interested in the work of CMF. Can I join?

      Yes! You are very welcome to join CMF as an Associate Member. Go to our Join CMF section of the website and select ‘Associate Member’ for more details.

If you have a question that is not on this page, please email communications@cmf.org.uk

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