Developing Health Course – final reflections


The Developing Health Course is over, and I am back at my desk. What a privilege it has been to spend time with so many people – participants and speakers – who are passionate about serving God by serving the poor. The second half of last week was given to women’s health and we had an incredible tour-de-force from six speakers who between them have worked in nine countries in Africa and Asia. They had everyone practising obstetric emergency scenarios, examining partograms, suturing episiotomies and discussing contraception.

Christine Edwards spoke movingly about the status of women in Bangladesh. ‘The worst thing that could happen to a man was to lose his water buffalo, which was the family’s food supply. If he lost a child, his wife could have more. If he lost a wife, he could get another… Improving maternal mortality is not just about providing obstetric care; it is about increasing the value given to women by society. It is a justice issue.’

Putting on the course is, needless to say, a lot of work, but it feels very worthwhile. Jenny Longbottom did the course three years ago and set off for the Solomon Islands as soon as the course finished. She was back this onhealthy cialis year on leave and said ‘I love this course! It’s like coming home. Where else could you spend time with Christians who are also doctors and who share your passion to serve overseas?

One of the junior doctors with us for the fortnight said ‘I’ve just been on the most fun, informative, applicable and challenging course ever…. so ridiculously blessed to have spent the last 2 weeks with some incredibly inspiring people, and see what God is doing through His people in His world :) Thank you Christian Medical Fellowship!

On the last evening we had an informal communion service and Andrew Tomkins, chairman of CMF’s International Committee, came to join us. He spoke from Philippians 3 about Running the Race – effort and perseverance on our part, but in the knowledge that God will never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5). As a nutrition expert, he drew our attention to the first mention of kwashiorkor in the Bible – Deut 8:4 (look it up!) Just as God cared and provided for the Israelites during their wanderings in the desert, so he will care for the DHC participants wherever their journey of service takes them.

Posted by Dr Vicky Lavy
CMF Head of International Ministries
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