
L’Hopital de Meskine, Cameroon, 2012 – Vicki Ibbett

L’hopital de Meskine is a rural mission hospital in a northern, French-speaking and Muslim area of Cameroon. There are only a few permanent doctors and there’s not always a surgeon but there’s a really enthusiastic surgical team with two non-doctor surgeons. There’s a ward round in the morning and then the doctors do outpatient clinics in the afternoon. We normally spent 8am-5pm in the hospital. It’s a Christian hospital so there’s a prayer meeting every morning and the foreign ‘missionaries’ have regular meetings. Good accommodation on the hospital compound.

Positives of the experiences included loads of interesting cases, enthusiastic doctors and opportunities to gain surgical skills. The only negative was that it was very hot. You need at least A-level standard French, although lots of people speak local languages. On days off there are opportunities for safari. Before I went I wish I had changed money or got money out at the airport.

Approximate cost: £1200. It was organised through Pioneers.

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