One of the best weeks of my life…

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Last week was the International Medical Students Conference, which was one of the best weeks that I can remember! This was the conference that I had been helping to organise as part of volunteering for CMF. It had become a big part of my life as I had spent the last 5 months sending out invitations, writing visa letters, sending hundreds of emails and making up packs (including sticking starbursts to the matching colours on our traffic light bookmarks!) In the process I have learnt a lot about the structures of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) and their roles in supporting Christian Medics around the world. Delegates were chosen for the role they were taking in their own countries CMF/ICMDA/IFES groups.

Last Sunday was day 0 with 26 delegates from 23 different countries arriving in London. It was probably the most stressful day as I had to find them all! Monday was the start of the week and was kicked off with a study on 2 Timothy 1. Throughout the week a chapter of 2 Tim was studied each morning, focusing on the role of being a young leader. We also had talks on what it means to be a Christian medic, evangelism, medical ethics, mission, world views, discipleship and apologetics. Each of these were fantastic sessions, and the delegates really engaged with one another and the topics. I was so encouraged to see them bonding and praying for one another. One thing that struck me during the week was something Prof John Wyatt said about how we were all distantly related. Considering the number of different nationalities in the room the thought of this seemed amazing, yet we were all brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of the students commented how right from day 1 it felt like they had know each other forever. It means so much to know that I will spend eternity with these wonderful people in heaven.

On Wednesday we all went for a tour of the British Museum. Due to the tube strike we had to walk for an hour in the rain to get there! Some thought this a blessing as they got to see more of London, however being cold and soggy wasn’t the most fun. As some of you may know I don’t particularly enjoy being cold! However the tour itself certainly made up for it, and feeling returned to my feet eventually. We went round looking at all the evidence for the Old Testament in the British Museum, and there is a lot! We were able to see evidence of kings, dates, places and events described in the bible. Every piece of evidence that has been found supports the bible, there is not one contradiction. Even in the last few weeks a tablet has been found describing Noah and the animals going into the ark 2 by 2! It was hugely encouraging to see that the bible is a history book, not a fairy tale. We then went to the British library and saw evidence for the New Testament. Again we heard onhealthy acyclovir about how reliable the bible is and how everything stacks up, unlike other religions. There is far more evidence for Jesus than there is for Plato or Julius Caeser in existence.

Another highlight of the week was dinner at John and Celia Wyatts’s house, were we heard about her work with Choices, a Christian crisis pregnancy centre. She talked about supporting women to make a decision in a non-judgemental, balanced way and supporting them whatever the outcome. It was very moving to hear some of the stories and also encouraging to know services such as this exist.

The week was a frenzy of jobs to do, problems to overcome, people to get to know and fun to be had. I was surprised by how much joy I felt in serving in this way and got to see God do some amazing things. Financially he provided for us all completely, and even supplied an anonymous donation for the exact right amount when we were in need! He provided a team made up of students and doctors who gave up their valuable time and energy to help make the week run smoothly. After I got home one day I was so bursting with excitement that my housemate said it was like I was “drunk on encouragement!”

Throughout the week the delegates had been sent on a scavenger hunt to gather pictures of themselves with iconic British objects/landmarks. Most impressive were those that managed to get a picture with a British bulldog, and in the driving seat of a London black cab! The prize for the winning team was a giant scone in the shape of a flag with a Union Jack embossed upon it in cream and jam!14 - 2

On Friday we headed up to Swanick in Derbyshire for the National Students Conference. There we joined over 300 uk medical students for a weekend of talks, seminars, praise, fun and food! This was my 5th year in a row and it was great to see it from the other side, having worked with many of the organising team and I certainly appreciated it much more knowing how hard they have worked.  This was my last year at the NSC as next year I am away on my elective. To celebrate Manchester won the university challenge quiz for the first time in living memory and were exuberant in our victory!

Excitingly the Electives Handbook I had been helping to write was also published this weekend! Rachel and I got far too excited to see it in print, but I hope that it will be useful for students planning their electives in the future. I have now organised my own elective in a mission hospital in Indonesia, and writing the book gave me a lot to think about as well as helping me to practically prepare for Malawi.14 - 3

Another highlight was on the return to London on Sunday night. Arriving back at CMF the delegates immediately went to the piano and we all sat around, singing and worshiping. It was quite moving, and such a priviledge to be part of. Despite exhaustion no one wanted to leave and say goodbye. The week had been such a blessing, I have personally seen God at work in us and am so grateful to have been a part of organising it.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for the IMSC, God certainly heard and answered them! I now feel a bit lost without emails to send or labels to print out. I have been so encouraged by this week, I hope a little of that rubs off on you as you are reading this.

God is good and his love endures forever!

Posted by Emma Pedlar
CMF student member
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