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ss CMF news - autumn 2006,  Evangelism


Whoever acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33)

Tough words from Jesus: and so many of us feel caught in the dilemma of longing to own the name of Jesus but struggling to finds ways of doing so, appropriate to our professional life. This is the very issue that Saline Solution grapples with, and one of the delights of the Saline Solution conferences is the feedback afterwards from participants, with stories of how they have started to gain new confidence and spot opportunities for the Lord in their workplace. Putting things into practice makes such a difference and it's good to start small and let things develop slowly. An old proverb from East Africa, referring to the daily collection of firewood for fuel, says 'One by one makes a bundle!' Surely this is true of our witness.

Here are some recent quotes from my inbox:

I benefited from the Saline course and began to ask one or two questions I had not normally used, with the result I was able to pray for one or two folks.

As a result of attending it I became less worried about sharing my faith. I had an unexpected opportunity last week with a patient. I am now working in CCU...

One lady did give an enthusiastic response to my question about whether she had a faith that helped her, and told me she is now praying regularly.

I found the Saline Solution conference a great help both personally and in discussion with other Christian health professionals. It reassured me that it is OK to raise spiritual matters in a sensitive manner. My work with infertility patients often includes dealing with emotional issues and some couples find comfort in spiritual support.

The Saline Solution day was a re-enforcement of what I am already finding opportunity to do, and I found it very encouraging to meet other colleagues there who have a similar desire to witness at work.

From a student: 'The Saline Solution definitely encouraged me to speak about my faith more to patients, consultants etc'.

The details of seven Saline Solution day conferences this autumn are on the CMF website, and it is a privilege to be involved with Salines in Germany, Holland and India as well.

Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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