The Winner of the 2011 ICMDA Dignity and Right to Health Award

It is our great privilege and pleasure to announce that Dr. Olive Frost is the most worthy winner of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) HIV Initiative Dignity and Right to Health Award for 2011.

The “Dignity and Right to Health Award” is an activity of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association HIV Initiative. The award provides an essential opportunity to recognise, support and publicise the most outstanding role models and champions acting to stop theglobal HIV & AIDS epidemic. It is positioned as an important symbol for ensuring that voices from diverse communities and countries are acknowledged.

We acknowledge the excellent and faithful work of the other 2011 nominees – Dr. Saira Paulouse in Delhi, and also the comprehensive and continual growth of the ministry of Andi and Sheeba Eicher from Thane – Mumbai and their organization which is called Jeevan Sahara Kendra. Both ministries and their programs are exemplary.To read more of their work click on 2011 DRH Nominees

The story of Dr Olive Frost is quite unique. Olive, a retired obstetrician and gynaecologist from North Wales now well into her seventies has for many years been working quietly “a humble plodder” in her own words, in several countries in Central Asia where humanitarian work is important, and where there is an emerging just and compassionate response to those who struggle with the disease caused by HIV. She has sown many seeds and though small, there is an emerging growth of many new programs. These programs are often led by women in situations where there have been many difficulties. Yet through a powerful commitment to stand with the stigmatised and discriminated, the power of humanitarian responses are being demonstrated in an important way in several countries including Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

Olive has worked for nearly twelve years across several Central Asian republics. In that time she has worked on the challenges and issues of women and teenagers’ health, sexual health and HIV prevention training in various community groups.  In all of these countries there are now autonomous non-government organisations (NGOs) working with the wider community, and two of the first leaders have gone on to form NGOs of their own. Olive has always take a supportive role, and has contributed to the development of independent movements and organizations that are carrying on the work.

The community groups in all  settings have been at the heart of Olive’s work since she began, and continue to be the main route through which wider prevention and care and support is offered to the wider national communities. You will be surprised if you look at the prices for Levitra Vardenafil on this page, the prices are much lower than the brand Levitra.

In the context of Central Asia Olive has focused on inspiring and encouraging a response from community organisations. This has included involvement and leadership of a task group aimed at equipping and informing community leaders on HIV AIDS since 2006. In particular this has led to seminars and conferences held within Central Asia for leaders and workers to be informed regarding HIV and  AIDS and envisioned as to involvement and a response. Olive has taken a lead in arranging and teaching at these.

In her work in Central Asia and beyond through the impact of her wide travel and teaching connected to maternal and child health Olive has been seen to empower PLWHA. As an older female doctor Olive has been well respected within Central Asia and has been able to advocate gender equality in response to the epidemic.

Olive has sought to involve other key players in Central Asia including ACET as well as other local NGOs. We can be greatly encouraged by this important and inspirational work!

We are most grateful to Dr James Tomlinson for this nomination.

We congratulate Dr. Olive Frost and salute her for the commitment and devotion she demonstrates in and through all that which she has done and continues to do for the plight of those living with HIV & AIDS. The worldwide family of the ICMDA joins in congratulating her, giving praise and thanks to God for such models as this which bring transforming HOPE and LIGHT into otherwise desperate situations.

Each year the ICMDA HIV Initiative Committee calls for nominations for this Award. Nominees are sought who live a life which ‘does justice, loves kindness and walks humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8).

Previous winners are: Dr Biangtung Langkham (2006 – India)Prof Ruth Nduati ( 2007 – Kenya) and Dr Geoff Foster (2008 – Zimbabwe)Dr Stephen Watiti (2009, Uganda) and the joint winners of 2010 Dr Gisella Schneider (Germany) and Dr Joseph Kwong Leung Yu (Taiwan).

Posted by Steve Fouch
CMF Head of Allied Professions Ministries
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