
Walk75 | Prayer Walk for Health

This year, we celebrate 75 years since the Christian Medical Fellowship came into being. Over that time, God has done some amazing things through Christian medics, nurses, midwives, and others coming together to pray, study God’s word, serve and encourage one another, and share the good news of Jesus. In the UK and worldwide, we see to this day the fruit of God’s faithfulness in the lives and witnesses of countless medical, nursing, and midwifery saints over the decades.


We are inviting you to take part in a prayer walk around your hospital or neighbourhood, to pray for Christians in our healthcare services as CMF celebrates its 75th anniversary. We’re suggesting that activities take place between July and 20 October – when we will mark Healthcare Sunday. ‘The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.’ (James 5:16)

What is prayer walking?

Taking time to walk around an area with your eyes (and your heart) open to what God is saying – committing everything you see to him.

What would work best for your location?

We want you to take part in the way that works best for your group. It doesn’t have to be 75 minutes or 75km if you’d rather do something different. The important thing is that as we reflect on our 75th year, we are prayerful and trusting in our great God. Here are some suggestions:

  • A 75-minute prayer walk in stages – perhaps from one local surgery to another.
  • Split your location up into distinct areas and ask people to sign up to cover each area in prayer in their own time – this would work well in a busy hospital. You may still like to have a short group event.
  • An online ‘virtual’ prayer walk, with photographs of each location – this would be a good solution for a group that are spread around, such as a rural group.
  • A 75km walk over several days – the CMF Nurses and Midwives team are doing a sponsored walk.
    Committing to pray at a certain time for your chosen time period.

CMF resources

Not sure what to do and need some inspiration? Visit our Walk75 resources page for links to CMF testimonies you can watch together in groups, Mark’s new CMF history book (digital download), Walk75 social media images, Prayer walk ideas and Bible passages for reflection, and more!

Other helpful resources via 24-7 Prayer

Encourage others and pin it to the map!

Give others local to you the opportunity to join in with your prayer walk by pinning your activity to our Walk75 map. Simply fill in the form below! When you’ve completed your prayer walk, it would be great if you could take a photograph of your group in your location, sending it to us via communications@cmf.org.uk so that we can add it to the map. Just ensure geo-location is switched on.

Walk75 activities form

Have a look at the map to see what’s already planned and how you can join in below:

What’s happening in your area

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