Seven billion – BBC brings some welcome balance to the population debate
According to the BBC, when I was born, I was the 2,909,761,661st person alive on Earth and…
New test highlights a stark paradox at the heart of prenatal testing
It is easy to garner opposition to prenatal testing and abortion of fetuses found with a duplicate…
Abortion for Down’s Syndrome – tragic story, review of trends and personal reflections
There was a tragic story in the Daily Mail yesterday titled ‘Having an amnio test ruined my life’.
Population control lobby seeks to impose its agenda rather than addressing the real causes of poverty
The world’s population is due to pass seven billion on 31 October and campaigners for population…
The false prophets of the population control lobby and their appalling track record
On 31 October when the world’s population reaches seven billion we will be subjected to a whole host…
Three horrific stories of abuse of women and children abroad raise a disturbing question
Three horrific stories involving the abuse of women and children abroad have featured in our newspapers…
Royal College of Nursing finally issues guidance on dealing with assisted suicide requests from patients
In July 2009, the Royal College of Nursing announced that, after consultation with their membership,…
‘In praise of stem cell simplicity’ – brilliant New Scientist editorial
The New Scientist editorial this week, ‘In praise of stem-cell simplicity’, gives a fantastic overview…
GMC: recognising importance of spiritual care but struggling to define it
The General Medical Council is about to review ‘Good Medical Practice’, its general guidance to…
Stem cell patent ruling is a triumph of ethics over commercial expedience
British scientists are kicking up an enormous stink about yesterday’s court ruling that scientists…