The UK’s first womb transplant – what the media missed out
The first UK ‘womb transplant’, carried out by Richard Smith’s team in Oxford and announced at…
Mitochondrial manipulated births: a muted reception
For a prospect anticipated for almost 20 years, the announcement in a Guardian exclusive of the successful…
‘Of Mice and Men’
The Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in 2018 really hit the headlines when Prof He…
Neuro-silicon interfaces: a new mode of being?
The idea of humankind being merely machines has a long history, stretching back to Julien Offrey De La…
Podbabies: Who are they kidding?
Ectogenesis – the gestation of children in artificial wombs – has long been considered by many…
Whole Genome Sequencing: challenges and opportunities
You may have requested whole-genome sequencing (WGS). You may be wondering what the words mean. Is…
Mitochondrial Donation Down Under
‘Maeve’s Law has just passed the Senate 37-17 and will now become law. It is globally leading mitochondrial…
COVID-19 Vaccines: making ethical decisions that value human life
As the first COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out, many people are asking how Christians should think about…
COVID-19 vaccines: the wider ethical questions for Christians
As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues with no apparent end in sight to the death toll and disruption…
Reflecting God’s image or usurping his position?
For as long as humans have been keeping records, they have been recording their fight against the ultimate…