Margo Macdonald’s flawed proposals on assisted suicide
Today is the last day to respond to Margo Macdonald's consultation on assisted suicide. The MSP is…

Let’s be completely honest, clear and truthful about healing as well as expectant
The May 2012 edition of ‘Christianity’ carries several testimonies of healing after prayer and…

Christian conscience, the Bible and the law
Are there any circumstances in which Christians should disobey the law?
The Bible teaches us in both…

Abortion to save the life of the mother – how common is it?
Abortion to save the life of the mother makes up a miniscule fraction of the 200,000 abortions carried…

Embryos, adoption and anonymous fathers
Adoption is often recommended as an alternative to IVF and the creation of spare embryos that are then…

Eugenics close to becoming a ‘human right’ in Europe
A pending case (Kruzmane vs. Latvia) before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) could have profound…

BBC and Guardian leap to defence of abortion industry
The abortion industry has been under a lot of pressure in recent weeks – first with revelations about…

How British society marginalises Christian health professionals
Earlier this year Christians in Parliament, an official All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), chaired…

The demographic time bomb and euthanasia
I have previously warned that unless something is done to reverse current demographic trends, economic…

How to protect your kids from internet pornography
I have just posted a blog on the report from a committee of MPs which makes recommendations about new…