Christians should prepare for further job discrimination following today’s European Court ruling
Two British Christians who refused to act contrary to conscience have lost their legal battle at the…

Abortion law in Ireland under serious threat from new legislation
Ireland is one of the few developed countries in the world where abortion remains illegal under sections…

Dilemmas, difficulties and hope – reproductive health in developing countries
Despite my determination a few years ago not to be a GP with a Women’s Health interest that’s exactly…

Lord Falconer is seeking to overturn the Hippocratic Oath and change 2,400 years of history
'I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.'

Time lapse imaging of embryos – exciting breakthrough or just eugenics by another name?
Various media outlets (including The Times (£), The Telegraph, BBC, The Independent and The Guardian)…

Embryonic stem cells from cloned human embryos – six reasons for caution
The newspapers are full today of the news that scientists in the US state of Oregon have produced embryonic…

Joy, sorrow and satisfaction – medical mission in Ecuador
My own personal journey to becoming a medical missionary began when I finished secondary school and went…

It’s exam time! Can smart drugs make you smarter at this testing time?
While a cup of strong coffee is probably the choice of drink for most people studying for exams, perhaps…

The ‘Groningen protocol’ for euthanasia of disabled babies in the Netherlands
In an interview this morning on BBC Five Live (at 0705) on the Paul Lamb case (listen here) I was asked…

Don’t be fooled by Lord Falconer’s ‘modest’ assisted suicide proposals
Lord Falconer has finally announced that his long awaited assisted suicide bill will be tabled in the…