Breastfeeding – a life-saving intervention
It’s World Breastfeeding Week, and guest blogger Adele Cowper shares why this is so important.
Courageous MP thrown out of government for refusing to back legal abortion
Ireland's Europe minister quit last Thursday over plans to legalise abortion as Prime Minister Enda…
New Berlin memorial revives memories of doctors’ role in Nazi holocaust
Officials gathered in Berlin this week to lay the foundations for a monument to the people killed as…
Why the RCGP should stand firm on opposing a change in the law to allow assisted suicide
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) is conducting a consultation about the College's…
Infertility treatments: new research and new warnings
A new study has found that a common form of infertility treatment increases the risk of children developing…
Leading parliamentary think tank says Lord Falconer’s ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill fails public safety test
Living and Dying Well (LDW) is a public policy research organisation established in 2010 to promote…
Leading parliamentary think tank says Lord Falconer’s ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill fails public safety test
Living and Dying Well (LDW) is a public policy research organisation established in 2010 to promote…
The moral status of the human embryo – when is a person?
The moral status of the embryo is one of the key pressure-points in ethical debates about post-coital…
Three parent embryos for mitochondrial disease – unsafe, unethical and unnecessary
Britain is planning to become the first country in the world to offer controversial ‘three-parent’…
Ethicists back sex selection for social reasons
Today sees the publication of another deliberately controversial and radical proposal, designed to…