The number of women having several repeat abortions is shockingly high, and increasing
One young woman, who had a first abortion at the age of age 18 and then another three by age 22, was…

Is the RCOG breaking the law by preventing pro-life doctors from receiving its degrees?
Last week I highlighted the fact that a faculty of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists…

RCOG faculty bars prolife doctors from receiving its degrees and diplomas
Doctors and nurses who have a moral objection to prescribing ‘contraceptives’ which act by killing…

Social care crisis deepens
Today’s report from the IPPR think tank paints a worrying picture for British society. In the next…

UK Ministers try to silence two million critics of destructive embryo research
The UK Government, along with a number of organisations and research institutions involved in funding…

At least 67 doctors have clearly broken the abortion law but not one has been prosecuted
The General Medical Council has admitted in a Freedom of Information release that 67 doctors are…

When secularists start running leper colonies we should take their attack on Cameron seriously
An assortment of ‘liberal’ journalists, scientists and celebrities have today accused David Cameron…

When ideology drives science
Intellectual dishonesty in the ‘abortion/breast cancer’ and ‘change therapy' debates
In July 1949,…

David Cameron is right about loving one’s neighbour but has he missed the whole point of Easter?
Tony Blair’s spin doctor Alistair Campbell famously said that the Labour government didn’t ‘do…

New Down’s syndrome research: saving lives vs saving money
A wonderful video has recently been released to honour those with, or caring for, people with Down’s…