how should we go?
Some shy away from that world ‘mission’ influenced by a political agenda to decolonise health care and mission. However, the mandate to ‘go into all the world’ has not been rescinded. We need to re-consider, not should we go, but how should we go? and CMF Global is doing just that.

Imagine if there was a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation.…

lost in the Sahara
In the summer of 1990, I was working with a large Christian organisation as the lead for its global health…

joy comes in the morning
It was during my junior clerkship year that I came face to face with a sad side of medicine, an experience…

Doctors’ challenges in the Netherlands
Allow me to start by introducing you to the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) of the Netherlands. [1]…

CMDA ethics
the ability of our members to express their conscience freedoms...is met by increasing opposition...

walking on water
It was a stormy night. The wind was howling, and leaves were flying through the cold air. I let the dogs…

western saviours?
In the 1980s, for many of us as young Christian healthcare professionals (CHPs) in training here in the…

CMF Prayer Diary – August-November 2024
To download a digital copy of the CMF Prayer Diary, click here
To subscribe to the CMF Prayer…

News reviews
Marolin Watson comments on drug shortages in the UK, placements, benefits of exercise to the brain, avian flu, and AI in medicine.