Disturbing the Peace
Steve Fouch reflects on how we use precious time to bless others
Then Mary took about a pint of pure…

Return from Exile
'Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new…

Developing compassion permanence
Esme MacKrill explores how we keep our spiritual eyes and ears open to respond to injustice

Laugh often
Patricia Wilkinson reminds us of the importance of simply being, laughing, and resting as part of our…

Eyes fixed on him
Matt Baines encourages us to focus on what really matters
Therefore, since we are surrounded…

Are you in rest deficit?
Matt Baines reminds us of an often forgotten commandment among Christians and health professionals

how can I be sure – I’ve left it so late?
Bernard Palmer, a retired surgeon in Hertfordshire, tells the story of a patient who reminds us that…