prayerful mountain books
Amid a busy and ‘noisy’ life, my mountain of choice would be Mount Horeb, the place where Moses saw…

prayerful mountain books
Andrew Fergusson, in the first of a new regular Triple Helix feature, lists the books he would take with…

Leadership: mentoring
John Greenall encourages us to seek out mentoring relationships
What comes to mind when you think…

APOLOGETICS essentials: who needs apologetics?
Laurence Crutchlow says we all do, and explains how we can get started
'Isn't it enough to tell…

lead: the freedom of NO!
John Greenall explains why he is no longer a 'yes man'
I have a confession to make. I secretly enjoy…

Distinctives: God & the pandemic
Isaiah Michael Rayel reminds us of God's power
I recently attended a church conference where…

Essentials: how big is your gospel?
James Paul considers the truth about heaven
The apostles chose the word euangelion, Greek for…

Be prepared: injustice as a junior doctor
Zack Millar explores our response
I paused with a forkful of pasta halfway to my mouth.…

Just ask: helping the homeless
There's a homeless guy who sits outside the station asking for money. Sometimes I have given him something…

REGULAR FEATURES just ask: do not resuscitate orders
Abigail Randall, a GP in East London and medical school link for Bart's and the London Medical School…