how should we go?
Some shy away from that world ‘mission’ influenced by a political agenda to decolonise health care and mission. However, the mandate to ‘go into all the world’ has not been rescinded. We need to re-consider, not should we go, but how should we go? and CMF Global is doing just that.
the Lord Darzi Rapid Review on the state of the English NHS
Ara Darzi’s independent review into the performance of National Health Service (NHS) England, 1 commissioned…
final thought
Noise is everywhere. We are constantly bombarded with information. We receive messages that demand our…
fellowship news
Journeying into Global Health and Mission
Whatever happened to the Developing Health Course?…
prayerful mountain books
Amid a busy and ‘noisy’ life, my mountain of choice would be Mount Horeb, the place where Moses saw…
How Should We Then Die?
A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death
by Ewan C Goligher MD
Imagine if there was a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation.…
lost in the Sahara
In the summer of 1990, I was working with a large Christian organisation as the lead for its global health…
joy comes in the morning
It was during my junior clerkship year that I came face to face with a sad side of medicine, an experience…