CMF is for nurses & midwives too!
CMF is here to build a movement of healthcare professionals passionate for the glory of God in and through our vocations, and to unite and equip them to live and speak for Jesus in the workplace.
To this end, our student department works not only with medics, but also with nursing and midwifery students. They face many of the same opportunities, challenges, and ethical dilemmas as medics, and equally appreciate the support, resources and training that CMF offers.
As the nursing and midwifery side of CMF is still relatively new and growing, the challenge is to get the word out that we are here and welcoming nursing and midwifery members. So far we have CMF nursing groups in the following regions.
1. Aberdeen
2. Belfast
3. Bristol
4. Cambridge
5. Dundee
6. Keele
8. Nottingham
9. Oxford
10. Sheffield
11. Southampton
12. Surrey
We have other groups in process of starting or on pause while looking for new student leaders. We are very keen to help nursing and midwifery students set up groups in new places where there is interest.So please be in touch if you are keen and pass on the message to any nursing or midwifery students you know that CMF welcomes them and that we’d love them to join! For more info, please contact us at