Global – CMF News – Winter 2019
PRIME: Partnerships in International Medical Education
In addition to teaching whole person, values-based healthcare around the world, PRIME has been running several seminars in the UK on ‘Compassion without Burnout’ to mixed participants in various NHS settings (gently introducing Christian concepts in a secular context to support hard pressed colleagues). This is in addition to the ‘Values Added’ course, aimed at Christian junior doctors and other health professionals in the early years of their career. The course is for use in small discussion groups to explore practical ways of practising in a whole person, compassionate manner that points people to Jesus.
PRIME is currently in a process of leadership transition, as the original founders of the movement start stepping aside for younger and fresher faces to take it on, trusting that the Lord who has raised up this work will continue to lead and guide it into the future. Sadly John Geater, the original and main founder of PRIME, died in September 2019 (see his obituary on page 4). Meanwhile, the work continues. In 2018, 116 tutors ran 79 programmes in 32 countries providing 616 days of teaching to over 4,000 participants.
The next PRIME International Tutors’ Conference will be in March 2020 in Northampton See for more information.
Developing Health Course (DHC) 12-24 July, London School of Theology, Northwood, Middlesex
A two-week, residential course on Christian healthcare in global settings for doctors, nurses, midwives and other health professionals. To book and for info visit
Window to heaven at Sydenham 2
Sydenham 2 (or SYD2) is CMF’s annual week-long leadership course for junior doctors who are involved in leading Christian medical groups in their own countries. (SYD1 is for international student leaders and held in January or February).
This October we hosted 13 delegates from ten countries around the world (Thailand, India, Burkina Faso, Ukraine, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Canada, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines and Switzerland). These are young doctors and dentists who are passionate to live for Jesus Christ and to lead and train future generations to do the same.
We often forget how privileged we are in the UK to have such a wealth of resources for Christians in medicine and other health professions. This conference was a chance for us to share some of this through teaching on medical ethics, advocacy, evangelism, leadership, discipleship, and mentoring and global health.
My heart was overwhelmed, and I choked up with tears of joy when others within the group generously gave money for the relief of some of their number who found themselves in acute need – a beautiful picture of the church that Paul wrote about in 2 Corinthians 8:1-5.
A thank you from one of our African brothers: ‘We have seen the love of Christ through your work in our lives. We have been touched by your sympathy. You bear our burdens. We are so grateful for your support. Thank you for your help. We pray that God will bless you. The Almighty fill you with His grace.’
Sydenham is a glimpse of heaven as we see ‘people from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb’ (Rev 7:9-10). It is such an amazing privilege and blessing that CMF can be involved in this strategically vital ministry.
Please continue to remember and pray for our brothers and sisters in the medical profession in countries around the world.
If you would like to be involved in this kingdom work in any way (giving, volunteering, hosting a meal, meeting or sponsoring delegates) please contact Felicia:Â