JDC2019: Building up a new generation for Christ
At the end of October, the Lord gathered together 150 junior doctors from around the UK at the CMF Junior Doctors’ Conference. With the theme ‘Walking the talk – practical obedience to Christ as a junior doctor’, John Wyatt gave Bible talks on ‘ambition’, ‘resilience’ and ‘presence’, sharing his personal experiences of walking with Christ as a doctor.
The Junior Doctors’ Committee did a great job in planning and organising the conference – from seminar content to regional and speciality tables at meal times to enabling junior doctors to share stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness in their working lives among colleagues and patients.
Our current generation of Christian junior doctors need the help of the rest of the Fellowship to pray for and walk with them in their work and witness to the Lord Jesus. Pray for and encourage them to be emboldened and empowered by the Holy Spirit to shine for Jesus, for they in turn will be the ones shaping the next generation of Christian doctors who are now medical students.
Please also pray for the Junior Doctors’ Committee – for wisdom, and clarity of vision. Their vision is to ensure that no junior doctor is isolated but is within reach of other Christian doctors for fellowship encouragement and discipleship.
If you have a passion for building up CMF junior doctors in Christ and would like to be involved in our ministry in any way (hosting a group, training, giving, writing, social media, mentoring, pastoral care etc.) please contact Felicia:Â felicia.wong@cmf.org.uk