Author: Andrew Fergusson
Author details
a former GP and communicator at the interface of Christianity and medicine. In retirement he is active in local churches and in Christian publishing
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Andrew Fergusson, in the first of a new regular Triple Helix feature, lists the books he would take with him to a retreat on a ‘prayer mountain’. So... Read more.
CMF in the nineties Andrew Fergusson shares his memories of serving as CMF General Secretary in the 1990s. I joined the staff of CMF in April 1989 as Assistant ... Read more.
Andrew Fergusson gives a biblical and medical review of healing miracles, and prayer for healing Old Testament Miracles in the OT are comparatively rare and ar... Read more.
Andrew Fergusson reflects on how the NHS promised care from ‘cradle to grave’ but is now in crisis. 5 July commemorated 70 years of the UK’s ... Read more.