Author: Zack Millar
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Zack Millar on how to read Christian books as a medical student My first week of medical school was punctuated by reading lists. Each department present... Read more.
Well, not so much ‘dead’ as having his burden shared. #hellomynameis Zack Millar and it is my immense privilege and delight to be starting as the St... Read more.
‘God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him!’Friedrich Nietzsche (1) Perhaps one of the most famous quotes of all time, Nietzsche’s... Read more.
Zack Millar considers the Bible and research Have you ever gone to a seminar on how to read a paper? If your medical school is anything like mine, these semina... Read more.
I was standing in A&E at 1.30pm on Tuesday, 28 April, the packing creases still in my scrubs. I stammered, ‘My name is Zack; I’m one of the medi... Read more.
Zack Millar considers how we show people Christ None of my non-Christian friends have become Christians. I find it difficult to express the emotion I feel when... Read more.
Zack Millar explores our response ‘WYWBWY’ I paused with a forkful of pasta halfway to my mouth. The consultant psychiatrist was discussing a case ... Read more.