The legalisation of assisted suicide – what’s money got to do with it?
Today, according to the Sunday Times, Lord Falconer (pictured) will publish his new bill on…

Mum beats lung tumour after refusing to sacrifice her baby to save her own life
There is an inspiring story in the Daily Mail this morning about a 21 year old mother who beat cancer…

‘Beauty is more than what you look like’: mother’s inspiring video about her blind baby boy
A YouTube video that a young mother has created about her blind baby boy and his rare cleft palate…

Eugenics close to becoming a ‘human right’ in Europe
A pending case (Kruzmane vs. Latvia) before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) could have profound…

How to protect your kids from internet pornography
I have just posted a blog on the report from a committee of MPs which makes recommendations about new…

New review highlights positive benefits of marriage
The Family Education Trust has just highlighted a report from the Institute of American values which…

Three horrific stories of abuse of women and children abroad raise a disturbing question
Three horrific stories involving the abuse of women and children abroad have featured in our newspapers…

Making Poor Choices: are commercial concerns wrecking our health?
Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung diseases, and strokes are the major causes of death and disability…

A politically incorrect final solution for Britain’s growing elderly population
The BBC has reminded us this week that today's 20-year-olds are three times more likely to live to…