MHRA public consultation on the proposal to make Hana available from pharmacies

Hana tablets are an oral contraceptive used for the prevention of pregnancy in women of childbearing age. Hana tablets contain desogestrel (DSG). DSG is a progestogen-only oral contraceptive (also known as a POP or mini-pill).

The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) proposes to permit supply of Hana in pharmacies because they consider that the evidence presented in this application demonstrates that the product does not meet the POM criteria set out in legislation.

CMF’s concerns relate primarily to safety, and specifically to an over-reliance on the check list; the responsibility of the customer to trigger a consultation; the capacity of pharmacists to cope with the additional workload; the conflict of interest between the provision of non-directive, unbiased advice and the obligation to the commercial interests of pharmaceutical manufacturers.

We are also concerned about complexity and inaccuracy in the product information leaflet, and insufficient account taken of the impact of non-compliance.

We also have concerns about precedent setting. This would be the first time an oral contraceptive agent was reclassified as a Pharmacy medicine. Other DSG contraceptives would be sure to follow and possibly depot injections. Having opened the door, how wide do you permit it to swing? The pressure to include combined oral contraceptives would be significant, but the associated risks much higher.

You can read our full submission to the MHRA here

For further information:

Steven Fouch (CMF Head of Communications) 020 7234 9668

Media Enquiries:

Alistair Thompson on 07970 162 225

About CMF:

Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) was founded in 1949 and is an interdenominational organisation with over 5,000 doctors, 900medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members in all branches of medicine, nursing and midwifery. A registered charity, it is linked to over 100 similar bodies in other countries throughout the world.

CMF exists to unite Christian healthcare professionals to pursue the highest ethical standards in Christian and professional life and to increase faith in Christ and acceptance of his ethical teaching.

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