short-term vacancies advertised by CMF
medium-term vacancies advertised by CMF
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Surgeon CURE
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – CURE: Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Good News Hospital — Mandritsara, Madagascar: Doctor (Urgent vacancy)
Kanad Hospital, Abu Dhabi: Pediatric Specialist
Kanad Hospital, Abu Dhabi: Pediatric Ophthalmologist
Kanad Hospital, Abu Dhabi: ObGyn HOD
Multiple Countries, CURE: Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
New Tribes Mission Clinic, Papua New Guinea: Medical doctor (Urgent vacancy)
long-term vacancies advertised by CMF
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Surgeon CURE
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – CURE: Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Good News Hospital — Mandritsara, Madagascar: Doctor (Urgent vacancy)
Kanad Hospital, Abu Dhabi: Pediatric Specialist
Kanad Hospital, Abu Dhabi: Pediatric Ophthalmologist
Kanad Hospital, Abu Dhabi: ObGyn HOD
Multiple Countries, CURE: Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
New Tribes Mission Clinic, Papua New Guinea: Medical doctor (Urgent vacancy)
Niamey, Niger: Hospital Executive Director
Papua New Guinea: Medical and Dental Mission Opportunities
United Arab Emirates: OB/GYN Head of Department (Urgent vacancy)
short-term able to travel vacancies
Opportunities to give short-term support overseas come up frequently, and the STAT list is a way of letting CMF members know when needs arise. Those on the list receive an email alert when an opportunity comes up, relevant to their specialty.
There is no obligation to respond but it’s great when we can connect a person with a need. Sometimes members who’d like to go but aren’t free can pass the information to a colleague who’s interested.
Opportunities include:
- Locum for a long-termer going on leave
- Extra pairs of hands when staffing levels are low
- Help with a training course or conference
- Emergency response
If you would like to be added to the list, email