One baby adoption in the UK for every 2,235 abortions – seven times worse than the US

Bill Reichart is a pastor and area director with CMDA, CMF’s US sister organization. He writes a blog called Provocative Church which today carries a brief article on adoption and abortion figures.
He writes:

Planned Parenthood (ie. the equivalent of BPAS and MSI in the UK) may want to spin their purpose as merely providing reproductive health and maternal and child health services but they are unmistakably in the business of abortions.’

‘Taking a look at Planned Parenthood’s latest fact sheet which pulls data from 2009 (it is July, 2011 and they haven’t released any 2010 numbers) and guess what?

Abortions are up and adoption referrals are down.

•332,278 abortions of human embryos and fetuses
•997 adoption referrals



That makes the latest ratio of 333 terminations performed for every adoption referral.’

All of which made me wonder what the comparative figures are like in the UK.

Well in 2009 there were 203,444 abortions on UK residents and just 91 adoptions involving babies under one year.

That’s a ratio of 2,235 abortions performed for every baby adopted.

Or in other words, a ratio almost seven times worse than even the US – which is perhaps why Britain’s new adoption czar says it might be a good idea for women with unwanted pregnancies to consider giving their babies up for adoption.

Posted by Dr Peter Saunders
CMF Chief Executive
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