Tag Archive for: abortion

Complete societal capture on abortion
The sentencing of a woman for two years imprisonment for performing a home abortion with pills obtained…

You wouldn’t do it to a dog! Current fetal pain relief in NHS abortions
This blog should perhaps carry one of those BBC-style warnings, ‘some viewers may find the following…

When is a baby not a baby?
Last week Panorama ran an ‘investigation’ into pregnancy advice centres which they claimed give misleading…

Acting with a clear conscience? WMA, GMC, BMA, and moral injury
Having reasonable freedom to act in accordance with our conscience is something that Christian healthcarers…

Unethical and outlawed are not the same
An article in the New Statesman this week implied that Conservative Party leadership contender Penny…

Roe v Wade
Last week we witnessed an event that I never thought I would see in my lifetime: the overturning of Roe…

Conscientious objection ‘may become indefensible’ according to new WHO guidance
The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its Abortion Care Guidance recently, ostensibly ‘in…

Wrongful conception – the latest weapon in culling disability?
At the end of November, in the High Court, the case of Toombes v Dr Philip Mitchell was heard before…

Downright Discrimination – the issues in the Heidi Crowter case
On July 6th and 7th 2021, Heidi Crowter made history. She is the first woman with Down syndrome to take…

‘Don’t bother the midwife’: abortion as a parable for assisted suicide
The current series of Call the Midwife is set in 1966. We dispensed with World Cup fever in about half…