Tag Archive for: Down’s syndrome
Biotechnology companies positioning themselves to make millions from eugenic abortions
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is warning that a new screening test for pregnant women, Non-Invasive…
My Feral Heart: finally, a positive portrayal of Down’s syndrome
“We're not so different, you and me” is the theme of My Feral Heart, a poignant British independent…
Eugenics – could NIPT for Down’s Syndrome bring us full-circle?
Is it wrong to kill disabled people if caring for them costs more than identifying and destroying them?
Thank you, Professor Dawkins!
Thank you, Professor Dawkins!
Who said nothing ever happens in August! Just as we were looking forward…
New Down’s syndrome research: saving lives vs saving money
A wonderful video has recently been released to honour those with, or caring for, people with Down’s…
Parents should be informed about the impact of Down’s Syndrome on families
The recent debate on abortion for anencephaly in Northern Ireland has reopened the wider debate on abortion…
Screening for Down’s syndrome – the real costs
In 1992 it was predicted that no more than 60% of all women would take up antenatal screening for Down’s…
Ile płacimy za aborcje dzieci z downem (Screening for Down’s syndrome – the real costs. Polish language version)
Prognozy sprzed lat nie uwzględniły skut- ków coraz większej miarodajności badań przesiewowych.…