Tag Archive for: NMC
The NMC Code in the light of Jesus – ‘Preserve Safety’
(Read The Code online - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (nmc.org.uk)
I have recently been prompted…
The case of Sarah Kuteh: what does it tell us about evangelism and spiritual care?
Another story of a nurse sacked for praying with patients and talking about Jesus has hit the headlines…
The NMC Case against Pauline Cafferkey: a working example of ‘Compassion Deficit Disorder’ in nursing leadership?
It is hard to find anyone who thinks the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) did the right thing in…
Human dignity and the code
The best nursing care comes through creativity and innovation, adapting care to the needs of the individual…
Freedom of conscience in the new Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct
A new year seems a good time to launch a new set of guidelines, and the NMC have chosen this January…