Tag Archive for: nursing
The NMC Code in the light of Jesus – ‘Preserve Safety’
(Read The Code online - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (nmc.org.uk)
I have recently been prompted…
Lucy Letby- a deep grief
This is such a deeply disturbing case. One of the most horrifying scandals to ever hit the NHS. A neonatal…
The Nightingale Legacy
With the news just over a week ago that the London Nightingale Hospital was to be 'mothballed' as no…
Christianity in a time of plague
Epidemic infections were a source of terror in the ancient world. They would sweep into the cities of…
2020: The Year of the Nurse and Midwife
It’s not often that such wide-ranging and global a body as the World Health Organization (WHO) deems…
Global Health Challenges for the Year Ahead
A year ago, I blogged about some of the global health challenges that Christians and Christian organisations…
Where have all the nurses gone? NMC survey reveals an accelerating attrition of nurses and midwives
It seems sadly ironic that a week after Lord Crisp announced plans for a worldwide campaign to promote…
New study threatens midwives’ freedom of conscience on abortion
In the latest bid to circumvent the increasing number of younger doctors being unwilling to perform…
Activists’ attempt to legalise abortion on demand up until birth is both unnecessary and unwanted
A campaign by activists to legalise abortion on demand up until birth hots up again this month, with…
The case of Sarah Kuteh: what does it tell us about evangelism and spiritual care?
Another story of a nurse sacked for praying with patients and talking about Jesus has hit the headlines…