Tag Archive for: pregnancy
Wisdom of God or medical wisdom?
I have been working as a midwife for a few years now. As a believer, I am constantly fascinated by God’s…
Wrongful conception – the latest weapon in culling disability?
At the end of November, in the High Court, the case of Toombes v Dr Philip Mitchell was heard before…
Coronavirus emergency measures remove safeguards around ‘home abortions’
Under the guise of the coronavirus lockdown, abortion campaigners have taken the opportunity to lobby…
Abortion pill reversal: a chance for a change of mind
How many of us have ever made a really big decision in life and then changed our mind? I suspect quite…
Abortion pills: simple and safe or dangerous and damaging?
Many abortion activists will have been delighted at the news that women will be able to self- administer…
Abortion pills outside medical supervision? That’s just the start
The current campaign to remove the administration of the abortion pill, misoprostol, from medical supervision…
Back to the backstreets with abortion
After successful lobbying by abortion providers, women in Scotland are now allowed to take the abortion…
Why Boots chemist should not have capitulated to pressure from BPAS over emergency contraception
Over the weekend I waded into the debate on whether Boots should reduce the price of the so-called ‘morning-after…
Biotechnology companies positioning themselves to make millions from eugenic abortions
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is warning that a new screening test for pregnant women, Non-Invasive…
Beginning of Life issues in 2017: what will we be talking about this year?
2017 will be another busy and challenging year on beginning of life issues
October 2017 marks…