Tag Archive for: stem cell

Beginning of Life issues in 2017: what will we be talking about this year?
2017 will be another busy and challenging year on beginning of life issues
October 2017 marks…

Embryonic stem cells from cloned human embryos – six reasons for caution
The newspapers are full today of the news that scientists in the US state of Oregon have produced embryonic…

Adult stem cell research leaps forward whilst embryonic stem cell work slows
It has been an amazing week in the field of stem cell technology with five big stories hitting the…

Stem cell patent ruling is a triumph of ethics over commercial expedience
British scientists are kicking up an enormous stink about yesterday’s court ruling that scientists…

More hype about embryonic stem cells from the BBC
The BBC today is running a new stem cell story with the grandiose title ‘UK medics lead Europe's first…

Japanese stem cell sperm study opens Pandora’s box of unethical possibilities
Fertility experts are hailing a mouse study in which working sperm cells were created from stem cells…

Scientists make nerve cells directly from human skin bypassing stem cells altogether
Researchers have come up with a recipe for making functional neurons directly from human skin cells,…

Call for new regulatory body on human-animal hybrids ‘mere PR gambit’
I blogged yesterday about UK scientists calling on Parliament to create a regulatory body to approve…