Latest NICE guidance on contraception could harm young people
New guidance from NICE recommends that Government provides free morning after pills, condoms (male…

Relationship signposting: another role for GPs?
GPs may soon see their portfolios expanded even further, this time into relationship  territory, according…

World Health Organisation, Western Pacific Regional Office, 2014 – John Park, medical elective
This was a fantastic opportunity to learn about International Public Health and meet International Medical…

Kibogora Hospital, Rwanda, 2014 – Niall Perry
For my elective I spent six weeks in a rural district hospital in the Western Province of Rwanda. The…

Amazon Hope Mission, Peru, 2014 – Karen Simpson
After spending the last four years studying Dentistry, I have spent two weeks travelling down the Amazon…

Kapsowar Hospital, 2014 – Elias Diamanthis, medical elective
This is a rural 100 bed hospital with medical, surgical, OB/GYN, paediatrics and outpatient experience.

LAMB Hospital, Bangladesh 2014 – Rebecca Rhodes
The 7 weeks of my medical elective were spent in a Christian hospital called 'LAMB Hospital' in Parbatipur,…

Should doctors be involved in abortion decisions?
‘Doctor knows best.’ Those who are adamantly ‘pro-choice’ and fighting for abortion…

David Cameron presides over largest liberalisation of abortion practice since 1967 Abortion Act
Prime Minister David Cameron has presided over the largest liberalisation of abortion practice since…