Tag Archive for: babies

One baby adoption in the UK for every 2,235 abortions – seven times worse than the US
Bill Reichart is a pastor and area director with CMDA, CMF’s US sister organization. He writes a blog…

Leading neonatologist challenges resuscitation policies for premature babies
An article in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph, ‘Premature baby survives after doctors advised abortion’,…

BMA’s 180 degree turn to embrace what it once called ‘the greatest crime’
On 25 June in a blog titled ‘BMA still not listening to public or science on late abortion’ I reported…

A life precious to God – how to cope when you find your unborn baby has special needs
There is a deeply heart-warming story in the Daily Mail today (July 18 2011) titled, ‘Doctors told…

BMA rejects move to lower upper abortion limit to 20 weeks for normal babies as six US States bring in laws to support it
In view of the BMA debate today on lowering the upper abortion limit for able-bodied (as opposed to…

Abortion statistics raise profound questions about our priorities and attitudes as a society
The Department of Health published the 2010 abortion figures for England and Wales yesterday. There…

How could anyone object to teaching schoolgirls to say ‘no to sex’?
MPs have voted 67-61 in favour of a bill introduced by Conservative MP Nadine Dorries, which wants schools…

New genetic screening plans raise serious questions about our attitudes to disability
The Human Genetics Commission (HGC), a government advisory committee, has given the green light to preconception…

Missing midwives costs mothers’ lives
On 1 April 2011 Save the Children launched a campaign to find the missing midwives.
Save the Children’s…