Tag Archive for: population

UK Government using ‘strategies of concealment’ to hide its imposition of abortion on developing countries
The UK Government assures us (taxpayers) that any public money given for abortion in developing countries…

Marie Stopes International: carrying out unsafe abortions in the UK and across the globe, using taxpayer millions
For the past five years, the charity Marie Stopes International (MSI) has been given £163 million in…

Global Health – challenges for the coming year
2016 may have got a bad press in some parts of the media, but step back from the Anglophone world and…

Britain’s growing elderly population – a massive challenge
The UK is ‘woefully under-prepared for the social and economic challenges presented by an ageing society,…

Peter Singer backs abortion for curbing population growth
Peter Singer is an Australian moral philosopher and currently Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University.…

The demographic time bomb is most marked in Japan
The demographic time bomb – whereby the elderly population assumes a greater and greater proportion…

Seven billion – BBC brings some welcome balance to the population debate
According to the BBC, when I was born, I was the 2,909,761,661st person alive on Earth and…

Population control lobby seeks to impose its agenda rather than addressing the real causes of poverty
The world’s population is due to pass seven billion on 31 October and campaigners for population…

The false prophets of the population control lobby and their appalling track record
On 31 October when the world’s population reaches seven billion we will be subjected to a whole host…

Is seven billion people too many? More nonsense from the population control lobby
SPUC Director John Smeaton has drawn my attention to an article I missed in last weekend’s Observer…