how should we go?
Fi McLachlan encourages a global perspective
Are you a globe trotter? Student holidays are the perfect opportunity – whether it’s with mates to Majorca or trekking in Maccu Piccu, there is so much of the world to see!
But do you know there are 18 million health care workers needed around the world? Most of those needs are in the ‘global south’, not in the northern hemisphere. We may feel we are stretched in the NHS (even as we cherry pick health care professionals from around the world to service our health care needs in the UK) but billions of people around the world have no access to affordable healthcare. Our healthcare is free at the point of need, and yet millions are bankrupted by the need to pay medical bills for any treatment they can access.
The vast majority of people in the world live in low or middle-income countries (LMICs). In the UK we enjoy a standard of living, level of education and quality of healthcare that most of the world will never experience. Indeed, most deaths and disabilities due to treatable diseases occur in LMICs where there are fewest resources.
As Christians, we see that when Jesus explained what he had come to do, he described a holistic mission, bringing the good news of the gospel, restoring broken people, and bringing justice in broken communities. The exciting thing is that he chooses to use his people to accomplish this mission. Jesus said, ‘As the Father has sent me, I am sending you’. Christian doctors, nurses and midwives are part of the plan, bringing God’s love to a needy world through competent, compassionate healthcare. He does call all of us to be engaged.
So here you are – embarking on your healthcare career. What might your student years enable you to experience?
Some shy away from that world ‘mission’ influenced by a political agenda to decolonise health care and mission. However, the mandate to ‘go into all the world’ has not been rescinded. We need to re-consider, not should we go, but how should we go? and CMF Global is doing just that.
CMF Global exists to help you learn just what a wonderful world we live in, to see first-hand where there are opportunities to live and work, making Christ known through global health and mission.
So how can we help you do that?
- get involved: open your eyes to the world on our doorstep – there are people sitting next to you in your lecture halls and wards who come from across the world – they may be lonely, searching for meaning, needing your friendship and all that Jesus offers. Get involved in international student work, or simply step across cultures right here in the UK!
- conferences: at student conference there is always a global seminar – from everything about how to serve God without stepping onto a plane to should westerners be going on mission? Book for the conference and see us at our Global stand or seminar there.
- Global Track: if you are pretty sure you want to serve God abroad, and want to explore what that could look like, and if you want to learn together with other later year students and Junior Doctors, nurses and midwives, then check out our Global Track seminar at Global Track runs alongside your work or study – why not consider joining us?
- trips: CMF organises ‘vision trips’. If you want to see just how God is at work in the world, and how you could get involved in the future, look out for the trips on offer.
- working groups: CMF Global runs working groups which you are able to join in on if you have an interest in that area. Currently we have a ‘Western Saviours?’ group and a ‘Global Advocacy’ group working – do contact the Global Coordinator on for more details.
Fi McLachlan is Head of CMF Global